A Better Option for an Off Grid Septic System

As you probably know, there are many types of off grid homesites.

I’ve seen off grid sites that were nothing more than a few large tents connected together, and I’ve seen sites that had houses that were 4,000 plus square feet in size.

Many off grid sites don’t have any indoor plumbing, usually because the owner is not sure how to get rid of the waste / waste water, especially the waste coming from a toilet.

I’ve seen many sites that use some sort of outhouse, which is usually nothing more than a small shack built over a deep hole in the ground. That is not a very sanitary method to use, by the way.

Traditional outhouses that ARE NOT connected to a septic system are not very sanitary or safe:

Some sites have full-sized septic systems that cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

However, many off grid sites use some sort of “homemade” septic system.

I’ve spent many hours at off grid sites replacing other types of “homemade” septic systems.

Usually these systems were thrown together by the owner of the property using various incomplete designs or descriptions or videos he or she found on the Internet.

It isn’t uncommon for these haphazard systems to fail, and they usually fail pretty fast.

In fact, I’ve seen homemade systems fail in just 1 months time.

The picture above is a photo I took in 2011. You can see the ground above a homemade septic system that has failed. The wet stuff is raw sewage, and I was wearing a full hazmat suit and a respirator when I was at the site.

That’s how bad it usually is when a septic system fails.

You NEVER want to find yourself dealing with a homemade system that has failed.

Once this failed system was dug up and removed, I replaced this system with my own DIY Septic System, and the owners haven’t experienced a single problem since.

The owners are always so happy after I install my DIY System, because they know they have a septic system that will last for years.

I’ve also installed my DIY Septic System at many new off grid sites, including my own sites.

In fact, the very first DIY system I installed was at an off grid cabin I built more than 30 years ago.

There are 3 main reasons the DIY Septic System is the best option for an off grid site:

  1. It is properly designed and durable.

  2. It is not expensive.

  3. It can handle more than just a toilet.

I’ve installed more than 50 of the DIY Systems over a 30 year period, and they are all still in operation.

The DIY system costs just a fraction of other types of systems.

As I discuss in this article, most homemade systems can only handle a single toilet. The DIY System can handle:

  • A full bathroom (including a sink, shower, and toilet)

  • A full kitchen (including a dishwasher)

  • A laundry area with a washing machine

The DIY Septic System can also easily be expanded if needed AFTER the system is completely installed.

NO OTHER DIY septic system offers this amazing feature.

If you want to expand other types of septic systems, you usually have to dig the entire system up and start over.

You won’t find any other off grid septic system that’s as durable, inexpensive, and complete as my DIY System.

What others have said about the DIY Septic System:

By george j on October 16,
Verified Purchase
Perfect for my off grid toilet. I also put in a sink. Setup works great.
2 people found this helpful

No more composting toilet!!!
By Kary T. on June 3,
Verified Purchase
I just bought a tiny house in 2017 and I wanted to put in a septic system because I don’t like composting toilets. I’m a pretty small woman (5’ 2” tall) and I was able to follow the guidelines and install the DIY system by myself in a week. It was soooo worth it to have a full (tiny!) bathroom now. And I’m sooooo glad I don’t have to empty a composting toilet anymore (YUCK!).
One person found this helpful

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