DIY Septic System Affiliate Resources
Use these images and other resources on your website, blog, and social media pages to promote the DIY Septic System and drive sales so you can make money.
Banners & Images
To save an image for your use, simply right click on an image and choose 'Save Image'. If you're using a tablet or other mobile device, hold down over the image and select 'Save Image'. Once you've saved the image you can post it or use it on your website, blog, and social media pages, and also in your advertising campaigns.
DIY Septic System Package (Full)
Small (350w x 334h):
Medium (450w x 429h):
Large (600w x 572h):
DIY Septic System Package
Small (350w x 193h):
Medium (450w x 248h):
Large (500w x 330h):
DIY Septic System Individual Items
DIY Septic System Book Cover:
Small (200w x 261h):
Medium (300w x 392h):
Large (400w x 522h):
Everything You Need Book Cover:
Small (200w x 289h):
Medium (281w x 406h):
Large (361w x 522h):
The System in Action Book Cover:
Small (200w x 289h):
Medium (281w x 406h):
Large (361w x 522h):
Personal Email Support:
Small (200w x 245h):
Medium (300w x 368h):
Large (400w x 490h):